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On Wed 10th June, 11am, we’ll be joined 🔴LIVE by Michael Grant & Francesca Brady from Metrikus & AirRated who will discuss how live tech monitoring can help tackle poor indoor air quality…

Guest Speakers


Michael Grant
Chief Operating Officer at Metrikus
Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder at AirRated

Michael is a passionate and focused operations, strategy & management professional. Specialising in business operational strategy, technology, software, IoT and cloud. In his business at Metrikus, he helps customers gain useful insight into three key areas, critical asset maintenance, space utilisation and the health of a building’s physical environment.


Francesca Brady
Head of Environmental Research at AirRated
Sales Development Manager at Metrikus

Francesca is the Head of Environmental Science at AirRated and has a strong background in the analysis and presentation of large quantities of data. Alongside the team at AirRated, she aims to create the global benchmark for indoor air quality.

AirRated uses the latest sensor technology to collect detailed information about a building’s indoor air quality, then grades it based on leading medical research and industry best practice.

What we’ll cover

The quality of air in buildings is a growing concern and the pandemic is now forcing businesses to give it the attention it deserves.

Air pollution is acknowledged by the World Health Organisation as the greatest environmental threat to global health. Nine out of ten people breathe polluted air every day, and poor air quality leads to over 7 million people dying prematurely annually.

Read more:

Real-time air quality monitoring brings great benefits, and in this session we’ll discover how Metrikus & AirRated are helping their clients improve air quality and create a healthier environment for occupants.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions you’d like answering, please add a comment on the YouTube video page.

Hosted by


Adam Mason
Facilities Operations Director
Expansive Solutions

Adam has a wealth of experience having worked as FM Director at Pure Gym and before that with B&Q & Inditex. He has a demonstrated history and passion for building, rebuilding and developing facilities teams in the retail, health wellness and fitness industry.

How to Watch

We’ll be streaming on YouTube and you can watch live or a replay of the event here:


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Tom Wilcock

Written by Tom Wilcock

Tom Wilcock is the COO and Co-Founder of Expansive Solutions. He is a digital expert with a background in delivering large-scale business digital transformation. He specialises in project management, product user experience, business ecosystems and data intelligence. You can find Tom on LinkedIn.

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